
RabbitMQ and ErLang

 After installing Erlang and RabbitMQ , then open http://localhost:15672 and if this url not opening. Then open RabbitMQ command line and type "rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management" , press enter and reopen url again.

The model backing the context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database

One way to resolve this error is to use Code First Migrations to update the database schema to match the new model. To do this, you can use the following steps: Open the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio by going to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console. In the Package Manager Console, run the command Enable-Migrations to enable migrations in the project. Run the command Add-Migration <migration-name> to create a new migration for the changes you made to the model. Run the command Update-Database to apply the changes to the database.

VMware Workstation does not support nested virtualization

  If you want use vmware use below commands in windows powershell and reboot system: bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off and, If you want use Windows hyper-V bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto Windows Hyper-v and VMWARE, don't work together at same time.

Enable Microsoft Hyper-V

 Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $("Microsoft-Hyper-V", "Containers") -All

Disable modern Lists and libraries at the Site Collection Level

 $site = Get-SPSite http://WFE $featureguid = new-object System.Guid "E3540C7D-6BEA-403C-A224-1A12EAFEE4C4" $site.Features.Add($featureguid, $true) #Re-enable modern experience  - site collection Level $featureguid = new-object System.Guid "E3540C7D-6BEA-403C-A224-1A12EAFEE4C4" $site.Features.Remove($featureguid, $true)

corona virus (COVID-19)


Error InfoPath while publishing customize form

Yesterday, i have faced an error " the soap message cannot be parsed " while publishing InfoPath customized on SharePoint 2013 List. Tried multiple solution. Increase executionTimeout in web.config to 3600 Use Retention Policy to reduce list data. But finally found solution to remove Calculated fields,  then publish  customized InfoPath form  and  it works for me.