
Showing posts from June 22, 2014

Get the passphrase in SharePoint 2010

Run following commands in SharePoint Power Shell: $passphrase = ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force Set-SPPassPhrase -PassPhrase $passphrase -Confirm

SharePoint Enable Audit Logs

Open SharePoint Power Shell, run following commands: $site=Get-SPSite http://sitecollection $site.Audit.AuditFlags = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAuditMaskType]::All $site.Audit.Update(); SPAuditMaskType: None No events or actions. CheckOut Check out of the object. CheckIn Check in of the object. View Viewing of the object by a user. Delete Deletion of the object. Update Update of the object. ProfileChange Change of a profile. ChildDelete Deletion of one of the object's child objects. SchemaChange Change of the object's schema. SecurityChange Change in a security configuration for the object. Undelete Reversal of the deletion of the object. Workflow Use of the object in a workflow task. Copy Copyi...